The Bankless DeFi Innovation ($GMI) Index is a simple composite index weighted via the use of market cap, liquidity, and dilution to offer exposure to promising early stage DeFi projects which are not yet considered “blue chip”.
Lemonade Alpha
January 6, 2022
The BED Index offers anyone, anywhere passive exposure to the most promising crypto investment themes. BED - which stands for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and DeFi - captures the upside of the three most investable crypto themes: digital gold, programmable money, and decentralized finance.
Lemonade Alpha
July 22, 2021
Compared to typical DEX trades, flash minting can offer more cost-efficient large trades by minting new DPI units from the underlying index components. This is especially helpful where the cost of slippage would exceed the cost of gas for buying each token and minting a new index unit.
Lemonade Alpha
June 18, 2021
The FLI series is the second collaboration with the team at DeFi Pulse (Pulse, Inc.) — built to minimize the risks and costs typically associated with maintaining collateralized debt. Today, a flagship ETH2x version is available on TokenSets (for non-U.S. users) with an initial supply cap of 50k units.
Lemonade Alpha
March 17, 2021
The Coinshares Gold & Cryptoasset Index Lite, CGI, is the next step in that mission. CGI gives holders passive access to the theme of ‘hard’ or ‘sound’ money, with crossover between the digital (BTC, ETH) and physical (Gold) worlds.
Lemonade Alpha
February 22, 2021