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Bankless BED Index

The Bankless BED Index include BTC, ETH and DPI in equal weight, provides exposure to the most promising themes in digital assets: programmable money, store of value and decentralized finance.


The Bankless BED Index is a collaboration between Bankless and the Index Coop. BED includes BTC, ETH and DPI in equal weight, providing exposure to the most promising themes in digital assets: programmable money, store of value and decentralized finance


Neutral construction of BTC, ETH and DPI equally weighted.


BED is rebalanced on the first Friday of each quarter.


BED has a 0.25% annual streaming fee. (Users should be aware that DPI has an annual 

streaming fee of 0.95%, meaning BED has an effective fee of ~0.57%)


The following risks may apply to this digital asset: full or partial loss of digital assets due to technical hacks, exploits, or failures that may occur at the protocol or smart contract level of a product’s infrastructure; restrictions placed on the digital assets by regulatory authorities in the end users region; loss of digital assets or loss of access to the digital assets due to decisions made by centralized providers of the underlying assets; full or partial loss of digital assets through standard product operations which can be hampered by unexpected market conditions; full or partial loss of digital assets due to changes to underlying product assets made by the originating protocols; full or partial loss of digital assets due to volatility, correlation, value at risk, and contagion risks; underperformance of digital assets due to deviation from intended methodology; full or partial loss of digital assets due to the volatility of underlying tokens.

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