Fortunafi Real World Assets Index

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions below.


What is RWA?

The Fortunafi Real World Assets Index (RWA) allows token holders to gain diversified exposure to the RWA sector. RWA will comprise tokens from projects and protocols focusing on tokenizing offchain assets.

What is the methodology for RWA?

The goal of the RWA index is to allow investors to gain diversified exposure to the Real World Assets sector. Assets must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

  • The underlying protocol must be listed on DefiLlama.
  • The 90-day moving average of the protocol’s Total Value Locked (TVL) must exceed $30M
  • The 90-day moving average of the token’s daily trading volume must exceed $500K
  • The protocol must be RWA-centric as determined by the methodologist
  • The protocol and tokens must pass a manual review process to determine suitability
  • The protocol must have publicized audit(s)
  • The token must be available on Ethereum mainnet; wrapped or bridged tokens may be considered.

The RWA Index will have weightings proportional to the underlying token’s market capitalization, with individual components capped at a maximum weight of 25%. Excess weighting is evenly distributed among tokens with weights below 25%. The methodologist, Fortunafi, has the discretion to add or remove components based on subjective factors, including active development and commitment to the RWA space. Reconstitution and auction rebalancing will occur quarterly.

What will be the composition of RWA?

The current composition of the RWA Index includes tokens from MKR, ONDO, ENA, CFG, CANTO, and MPL.

The composition may be refreshed leading up to the official product launch according to the methodology (assuming a successful presale).


How Do I Earn PRTs?

To earn PRTs, deposit wstETH to the RWA presale via the Index Coop app. Depositing to the presale technically issues new units of the RWA product token. If the RWA presale is successful, the RWA product token will be rebalanced into the composition of RWA tokens. Presale depositors earn PRTs according to their deposit amount and the tier level at the time of their deposit. For example, a deposit of 10 wstETH in tier 1 of the presale will earn more PRTs per wstETH than tier 2 and beyond.

Here’s an overview of deposit tier structure:

When will the RWA PRT staking pool be live?

Staking for RWA PRTs will be enabled at the end of the 120-day post-launch period. Non-restricted persons who hold PRTs will be eligible to join the staking pool. More information on PRT distribution and staking will be published closer to the RWA launch (assuming a successful presale).

When will I receive my PRTs?

PRTs will be made available once RWA has been formally launched and live for 120 days. Every 30 days during the 120-day post-launch period, a portion of PRTs will be “unlocked”, with the final batch of PRTs being distributed on the last day of the 120-day post-launch period.

To remain eligible for all PRT rewards, participants must maintain their position throughout the 30-day presale, the 14-day pre-launch period, and the 120-day post-launch period.

Do I get to keep the yield on my deposit?

Yes, presale participants retain all the yield earned by their wstETH deposits throughout the presale; they also retain price exposure to ETH. No fees are charged during the presale, and the streaming fee for RWA will only be activated once RWA is formally launched.

Do I get a receipt token or something similar in my wallet after depositing?

Yes, you will receive pre-launch RWA tokens in exchange for your deposit. If the presale succeeds, the wstETH inside the pre-launch RWA tokens will be rebalanced into the full launch composition, and your RWA tokens will evolve into the ultimate product. No further action is required for participants who wish to hold RWA moving forward.

Are early presale participants rewarded more?

Yes, depositors in the earlier tiers earn a higher rate of PRTs per wstETH compared to those in the later tiers, incentivizing early participation in the presale.

How Do I Track My Rewards?

Presale participants can track their rewards via a dedicated Dune dashboard that will be available as soon as the presale begins. More information on PRT distribution and staking will be published closer to the RWA launch (assuming a successful presale).

What happens if I withdraw before the presale ends?

Participants are free to withdraw during the presale, pre-launch, and post-launch periods. However, withdrawing before RWA has been launched and live for 120 days will result in the forfeiture of PRT incentives.

What About Partial Withdrawals?

Partial withdrawals forfeit all PRT rewards earned by the amount withdrawn. Deposits that remain are still eligible for PRT rewards. For example, if a user’s daily wstETH deposit balance looked like this:

• Day 1: 0

• Day 2: 0

• Day 3: 5

• Day 4: 3

• Day 5: 2

They would earn PRTs based on the following balances:

• Day 1: 0

• Day 2: 0

• Day 3: 2

• Day 4: 2

• Day 5: 2

In other words, the user forfeits PRTs attributed to the withdrawn assets.

How Do I Withdraw from the Presale?

Withdrawals are always enabled without fees. Go to the Index Coop Presale Page to withdraw your deposit of wstETH.

To earn PRTs, users must retain their position throughout the presale, pre-launch, and post-launch periods. If a user’s balance decreases, they forfeit all prior PRTs earned for the decreased amount. The presale, pre-launch, and post-launch periods are 30, 14, and 120 days respectively.

How Do I Deposit to the Presale?

To deposit, go to the Index Coop Presale Page. Choose the RWA presale and deposit wstETH. You’ll receive pre-launch RWA tokens in the same transaction.

Depositing to the presale is like issuing any Index Coop product. wstETH is sent to the RWA contract, and a new unit of pre-launch RWA is minted and sent to the depositor. If the presale is successful, participants do not have to do anything to receive the fully-fledged product.

What Happens if a Presale Threshold is NOT Met?

If RWA does not hit its threshold at the end of the presale period, the product will not be launched, and PRTs will not be distributed. Presale participants can withdraw their wstETH in exchange for the pre-launch RWA token, which will be burned.

Presale participants can always withdraw their assets during the presale and pre-launch periods, though early withdrawals forfeit potential PRT rewards.

What Happens if a Presale Threshold is Met?

The product will move into the pre-launch phase once the presale threshold is reached and the presale period is complete. The pre-launch phase will last 14 days, giving Index Coop time to rebalance the RWA token into the launch composition, add app support, and prepare informational content.

To receive PRTs, maintain your deposit until after the post-launch period. PRTs will be unlocked every 30 days throughout the 120-day post-launch period. More information on PRT distribution and staking will be published closer to the RWA launch (assuming a successful presale).

How Much is a PRT Worth?

PRTs are claims on future fees generated by RWA. For example, if RWA has a TVL of $100m and a user holds 1,000 PRTs, this entitles them to 1% of the revenue generated by RWA. RWA has a streaming fee of 1.95% per year. So, $100m in TVL would generate $1.95m per year in revenue. The user holding 1,000 staked PRTs would earn $19,500 annually. However, product TVL can be unpredictable, and revenue is not guaranteed. Revenue will be distributed proportionally among staked PRTs. PRTs in secondary markets may trade at a multiple of annual revenue or a discount.

Who is eligible to stake PRTs?

PRT holders who are not Restricted Persons are eligible to stake their PRTs and receive a share of product revenue. More information on PRT distribution and staking will be published closer to the RWA launch (assuming a successful presale).

What are the eligibility criteria for PRTs?

To earn PRTs, you must participate in the RWA presale by depositing wstETH via the Index Coop app and maintain your deposit until the end of the post-launch period. For RWA, stages have the following lengths:

Presale Period: 30 days

Pre-launch Period: 14 days

Post-launch Period: 120 days

If you withdraw from RWA before the post-launch period is complete, you will not earn any PRTs on withdrawn capital. If the presale is unsuccessful, no PRTs will be distributed as the product will not be launched. More information on PRT distribution will be published closer to the RWA launch (assuming a successful presale).

What are Product Revenue Tokens (PRTs)?

Presale supporters will be incentivized with Product Revenue Tokens (PRTs), offering the opportunity to share in the product’s revenue after launch. For example, if you own 5% of all PRTs for RWA, you are entitled to 5% of all future revenue generated by RWA. A fixed supply of PRTs (e.g., 100,000 units) will be made available to presale participants over the course of 120 days after RWA officially launches.

PRT holders must stake their PRTs to receive their share of product fees. PRT staking will be restricted and not available to Restricted Persons (including US Persons). More information on PRT distribution and staking will be published closer to the RWA launch (assuming a successful presale). Unstaked PRTs may trade on secondary markets.

What is the Purpose of the Presale?

The presale process allows customers and early adopters to demonstrate tangible demand for the product by depositing funds before launch. Each presale will have a pre-defined deposit threshold (e.g., 500 wstETH) that must be met within a specified period (e.g., 30 days) to determine whether the product is formally launched. If the presale meets or exceeds this threshold, Index Coop will launch the product. If not, the product will not be launched, and depositors may withdraw their funds. Participants may withdraw their funds at any time during the presale, though early withdrawals forfeit eligibility for PRT incentives if the presale is successful.

What are the official dates for the RWA Presale?
  • Presale Dates: 19th June - 19th July(30-day duration)
  • Pre-launch Dates: 20th July - 4th August (14-day duration)
  • Post-launch Start: 6th August - 6h December(120-day duration)*

(*) PRTs will be made available periodically during the post-launch period, with a quarter of the 10% allocation unlocking each month starting in September. Participants can always withdraw their assets during or after the presale, though withdrawing before the end of the post-launch period may result in forfeiture of incentives.

Getting Started

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Costs and Fees

What are the fees on RWA?

RWA will have an annualized fee of 1.95%, as well as an issuance and redemption fee of 0.10%. Fees will not be activated until the product is formally launched.


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